Request an Item

If you are unable to find a specific book or article in the KCPL catalog, fill out this form or contact your local library.

KCPL will make every effort to purchase your request, but if unsuccessful, we will request it from a library outside of Kanawha County.

Although many interlibrary loans are free, some libraries do charge a service fee. KCPL will contact patrons for an acceptable level of service fee and approval before any items with service fees are requested. Patrons will then be responsible for those fees regardless of whether or not they pick up their items.

If a patron loses or damages interlibrary loan materials, the replacement cost is determined by the owning library. As with KCPL-owned materials, the patron’s card may be blocked for overdue interlibrary loans or associated bills. Audiovisual and new materials are not available through interlibrary loans.


Enter N/A for films.
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