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We accept cash or check at any KCPL library location. Checks may also be mailed to:
Kanawha County Public Library System
c/o Marketing & Development
123 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301
Donate Stocks
Stock or bond transfers may be handled by your broker. Please contact Marketing & Development by email or by phone at 304-343-4646 ext. 1363.
Book & Material Donations
Please see our Gift Acceptance Policy for additional qualifications and guidelines regarding these donations.
Donate Gently-Used Books
We can accept donations of used books and other materials at any of our KCPL locations. Though we cannot appraise the value of your donation, we will provide a receipt. Please refrain from donating textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, or VHS tapes.
Title Adoption Program
Commemorate a person, group, occasion, or milestone by adding a title to the library’s collection for $25—the average cost of a hardback book. We will purchase specific titles, authors, or subjects as requested. Book plates can be placed in most materials to identify your gift.
Additional information and application available for download.
THANK YOU to all who have contributed to the 2024/2025 Annual Fund:
Mike and Laura Lee Albert
Timothy C. Alderman
Colleen Anderson
Sunya Anderson
Ruby M. Atkins
Diane H. Atkinson
Bridget Bailey and Richard Shaffer
Margaret and Charles Bailey
Michele Baranaskas
Ellen Kay Bastron and Victor C. Bastron
Ann Bradley
Matthew W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Buck
David R. Bungard
Sandra and David Campbell
Nancy and Steven Canterbury
Carolyn and Stan Cavendish
Center for Community Progress
Rebecca and Andrew Ceperley
Mike and Nancy Chaney
George and Annette Cipriani
Bryan Cokeley
Mary and L.L. Craddock
Frank D’Abreo
Cheryl Davis
Pattye Dodson
Nancy M. Douglas
Helen B. Epps
Denise Ferris
Samme Gee
Janet R. Gerwig
Kathie Giltinan
Donna Goldberg
Larry and Sandra Groce
Stephanie Haden
Ryan Hagerty
Martha M. Hall
Cynthia A. Harris
Susan M. Haupt
Thomas Heywood and Melody Simpson
Elizabeth High
Dave Hoge
Dr. Eric T. Huang
Tom and Julia Hurney
Betty S. Ireland
Mary and Greg Jenkins
Mary E. Johnson
Robert A. Johnston and Margaret N. Palmer
Angela Jones
Sara Joseph
Kathryn J. Kay
Mike and Ilyse Kelly
Virginia L. King
Priscilla P. Lawson
Alfreda Leef
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Love III
Paula McCoy
Donna McNeely
Mary Anne Michael
Harry B. Mills
Kathy L. Mitchell
Carol Mollohan
Julia A. Morton and Mary Leslie Morton
NTV Asset Management LLC
James D. Olson
Bob and Ann Orders
PayPal Giving Fund
Nina R. Peyton
Lea Anne Pinney
Reed Robinson
Deborah Rodecker
R. Terrance Rodgers and Karen Speidel Rogers
Rotary Club of Charleston
Larry L. Rowe
Peggy Sadd
Pankaj Sarin
Daniel Schuda
Deborah Sink
Freddie Sizemore
Mildred W. Snyder
Deborah J. Sonis
Reed Spangler
Dave and Pat Stanton
Betty G. Stern
Ken and Debra Sullivan
Jeff and Carrie Swing
Heidi Talmage
Margaret H. Teeter
Francine Thalheimer
Jennifer Thomas
Ken Ward and Elizabeth Wehner
Steve and Laura Wehrle
Ann and Jim Weimer (2)
Liz and Louis Weisberg
Stephen Wellons
Sue Westfall
Shelly White
Susan Williams
Chris and Ann Winton
Adrienne Worthy
Beverly P. Wright
Kenneth C. Wright
Todd Wright
David Zinn
Carol A. Casto
Melissa T. Cowden
Kelly R. Curry
Jennie O. Ferretti
Sarah E. Gottlieb
Susan B. Haddad
Patti Hamilton
Pamela Harvit
Ruth K. Joseck
Renee Margocee
Sally F. McClaugherty
Dina M. Mohler
Patricia M. Moyers
Danita Nellhaus
Jane Beattie Shepherd
Anne R. Silbernagel
Jo Ellen Diehl Yeary
Jill Wilson
John A. & Lucille S. Pianfetti Foundation
Martha Gaines and Russell Wehrle Memorial Foundation
Donna McNeely
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Trust
Liz and Louis Weisberg
Eric Nelson Family
F.M. Davis Family Fund
KCPL Greenspace Maintenance Fund
Lejeune-Farley Fund
Loeb Family Fund
Robert Lawson Fund
Thomas S. Cook, in memory of Lakin Ray Cook
Pattye Dodson
Peyton and Anna Forbes
Cookie Glasser
Steve and Jane Halpin, in memory of Lakin Ray Cook
Elizabeth McClintock
Brittain and Judith McJunkin
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
John D. Pope
Stuart Lewis Smith
Thomas Dougherty
Martha Gaines and Russell Wehrle Memorial Foundation
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Trust
The Spartan Foundation and Tri-State Roofing & Sheet Metal Company
Branch libraries located in unincorporated areas of Kanawha County are asked to raise a portion of their operating expenses. Our THANKS to the following donors who directed their Annual Fund contribution to these branch libraries:
Andy Frokjer, in memory of Lucy (Young) Frokjer
Tina Hall
Betty L. Jones
Martha Gaines and Russell Wehrle Memorial Foundation
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Trust
Debby A. Walker
Elaine Woods
Gail Alford
Suellen Bottorf
Bill and Faith Bragg
Dennis and Marilyn Byrnside
Rose Cooley
Melba J. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fleek
George J. Freebersyser
Paul and Barbara Gebhard
Martin L. Grimm
Sandra L. Havely
Brenda Pritt Hoover
John A. & Lucille S. Pianfetti Foundation
Jack L. & Norma S. Justice
John and Linda Lacaria
Jane Lowen
Lois A. Ludwig
Martha Gaines and Russell Wehrle Memorial Foundation
Lisa A. Mazzei and Phillip C. Prince
Mark and Teresa McCormick
Becky McLaughlin
Jennifer Meeks
Walt and Hollie Mitchell
Ann Neidlinger
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Trust
Linda C. Nicholson
Sandra Orr
William R. Peckol
Ron and Janet Raether
Frances Shropshire
Minerva Sneed
Frank and Sally Snyder (2)
Jo Ann Stapleton
Lois R. Thompson
Carolyn Titcher
Glenn and Kathy Vogelaar
Betty Watson
Karen Williams
Brenda Witt
Robin J. Woodson
Sandra Yingst
Thomas S. Cook, in memory of Lakin Ray Cook
Phyllis J. Hawes
Majestic Mountains Needle Arts
Mary C. Summey
Bonnie G. Tincher
Oliver Arbogast
Anna and Kenneth Bailey
Rose G. Campbell (2)
Dee Cavender
Connie J. Crede
Charlotte J. Cummings
Jo Ellen Dean-Wagoner
Elk River Living
Elkview Dairy Queen
Richard Fauss and Debra Basham
Geraldine Foy
Lee and Dorothea Fuqua
Susan Hooper
Murrel B. Hoover
K & N Contracting
Sharon A. Kelley
Teresa Koon
Brenda S. Mace
Martha Gaines and Russell Wehrle Memorial Foundation
Sandra Martin
Frank and Joyce Mash
Mary and W.K. McMorrow
Brooks Mullins
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Trust
Louise Peelle
C.E. Penn
Bruce Perrone
Kathleen Rushworth
Rushworth Giving Fund
Nancy R. Smeltzer
Lola Smith
Chuck Stodola
Cynthia Tawney
Debby Walker
Ronald L. Warren
Carolynn White
Benita Y. Whitman
Susan Ward
Dianne Allport
American Commemoratives
Barbara Cook
George and Annette Cipriani
John and Donzella Fleck
JoAnn Harris
Stephen Rumbaugh
Thomas L. Auman
Austin Construction Co.
Jerry L. Barker and Lynne S. Schwartz-Barker
Jeanne B. Barnhart
Gerald Brennan
Rethia and Jack Bumgardner
Nova C. Casto
Nancy Cunningham
Gary D. Facemyer
Rebecca Funk
John Godbey
Michael G. Godwin
M.J. Golden
Greater Sissonville Development Council
Betty J. Harper
Mike and Susie Haynes
JoAnn Jones
David A. Joplin
Long & Fisher Funeral Home
Peg Kenyon
Martha Gaines and Russell Wehrle Memorial Foundation
Shirley E. McGraw
Velma J. Mitchell
Katheryn Monk
Tom and Linda Morgan
Agnes Moriarty
Nelle Ratrie Chilton Charitable Trust
Yvonne Povick
Debbie Rolston
Linda M. Santrock
Glenda J. Sisson
Sherry Stump
Lala Wiley
Crystal E. Gibson
Glen Holstein
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W.R. Johnson
Lucille I. McClure
Ms. R.L. Taylor
Jean Ellen and Gregory Wallace